Ages 3 years - 4 years
As of September 2024, we have opened an additional center just a few blocks away. This center has a brand new 3K program. We offer a 5 days per week, morning and afternoon session, with the option of wrap around care if needed to fit your work schedule needs. This program also offers Parent Teacher Conferences twice a year in October and February to give parents an option to meet with the teacher and keep track of their child's developmental success.
What is 3K?
Essentially, it is childcare with an emphasis on working with the child more 1 on 1 to help develop skills that they may be missing out on.
Does my child need 3K?
No, but the right preschool experience can give a child a head start academically and socially over peers without preschool. Preschool is the first introduction to a lifetime of learning, a journey that should start off on the right foot. Our program combines learning experiences and structured play in a fun, safe, and nurturing environment – offering far more than just childcare. Our focus is making sure each child is happy, thriving, and ready for what comes next. 3K helps integrate children socially so they learn about the rules and structures of society in general. In addition, preschool helps students begin a foundation of academic knowledge including literacy, numbers, and culture.
3K - Morning Session
Full Time
Monday thru Friday
$150.00 / weekly
3K - Afternoon Session
Full Time
Monday thru Friday
$150.00 / weekly
Wrap Around Care
Full Time
5am-5:30pm (worked around 3K sessions)
Monday thru Friday
$25.00 / daily